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Selling your home may seem like such a daunting task, but luckily it doesn’t have to be that way. There are three ways to sell your house in this day and age. The most common way is to hire a real estate agent. They handle all the negotiating and paperwork. The sale by owner is similar to a real estate agent, but in this case, you are responsible for the paperwork, hammering out details, and scheduling showings. Selling to a cash home buying company or investor is the quickest and simplest way. The closing usually happens within two weeks. The downside is that they don’t pay total market value, but they pay a fair price quickly. You have to decide which option better suits your needs.

Ensure Your Vacant Home Will Sell

Curb Appeal

The first thing any potential home buyer notices is the yard. Keep the grass mowed and looking nice. Planting flowers out front will add a color pop. Make sure you remove anything causing clutter or dysfunction. Trim the trees to keep them fresh and substantial.

Leave The Utilities On

Leaving the utilities on tends to help potential buyers feel more comfortable and at home. Having the heating or air on when needed helps make the walkthrough more enjoyable. The circulation will help keep any odors at bay. Keeping the utilities on also allows you to schedule showings at night for anyone available at that time.

Stage The Home

Staging the house helps some potential buyers to visualize better. When the home is empty, any blemishes are much more noticeable. Staging the house also helps to define each space. Picking a suitable color scheme will help to make any room seem more significant.

Secure The Home

Making sure the house is secure is a major checkpoint. Vacant homes tend to attract crime or unwanted guests, such as squatters. I highly recommend shutting and locking all windows and doors. Use a lockbox to gain entry into the house when needed.

Disclose All Repairs Needed

Disclosing any repairs needed upfront, let the buyer know you have nothing to hide. Fixing minor repairs, let them know you are serious about selling, and take pride in your property. Missing or burned-out lightbulbs and scuffs on the walls and floors are just a few of the minor repairs you can do. The more presentable the house is, the quicker it will sell.

Take High-Quality Pictures

Having high-quality pictures taken by a professional allows your listing to stand out. More people become interested in buying something they can see clearly. In the case of buying a house, looks matter. Looks play a significant role with someone looking to buy a home.

So remember to figure out which route of selling best suits your needs. Do you want an agent or yourself selling the home? Or do you feel selling for cash to an investment company or individual works for you? Then focus on the curb appeal and staging the house. Most importantly, secure the home!